أحصل على جديد المدونة

الخميس، 18 مارس 2021

اتحداك لو رأيت هذه الكائنات البحرية من قبل .... سبحان الله

اهلا بكم اعازئنا مشاهدي قناة انت عارف الثقافية
فى هذا المقطع نقدم اليكم اليوم اغرب المخلوقات البحرية التى تم اكتشافاها فى اعماق المحيطات او على شواطىء البحار نخلوقات لاول مرة تراها تجعلك تقف عاجزا على قدرة الخالق عز وجل وتقول .... سبحان الله

إقرأ المزيد.. Résumébloggeradsenseo

السبت، 6 مارس 2021

الأربعاء، 22 نوفمبر 2017

ازاى تحافظ على كلبك

إقرأ المزيد.. Résumébloggeradsenseo

الاثنين، 6 نوفمبر 2017

اشخاص لازم تختفى من الفيس بوك

إقرأ المزيد.. Résumébloggeradsenseo

الثلاثاء، 19 سبتمبر 2017

12 rules off success form steve jobs

Do what you love to do . the only way to do great work is to love what
you do
Don`t hesitate to throw bad apples out for the company
Better be pirate than to join the navy be different
Sometimes the first step is the hardest one . just take it have the
courage to follow your heart and intuition .
Don`t worry about too many things at once start small think big
Learn continually there's always one more thing to learn
Don`t do it for the money , choose a job you love, and you will never
have to work a day in your life .
Don`t let the noise of other`s opinions drown out your own inner voice
Your time is limited so don`t waste it living someone else`s life
Say no to 1000 things
Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition they somehow already
know what you truly want to become

Stay hungry , stay foolish 

إقرأ المزيد.. Résumébloggeradsenseo

الثلاثاء، 29 أغسطس 2017

Top 10 Worst Logo Fails Ever

Top 10 Worst Logo Fails Ever

Marketers say that one of the most important marketing tools is a good logo design. It not only provides an easy to recognize identity for your business but also communicates who you are. That’s why every company considering creating or buying a logo design should know the criteria that make for an effective logo.
The first feature of a good and effective logo is that it can immediately “grab” viewer’s attention. Your logo should have an immediate impact and hold the viewer’s attention.
However, if you did manage to catch the viewer’s eye – that doesn’t necessary mean you are doing good. There might always be a hidden penis you cannot see at first sight.

إقرأ المزيد.. Résumébloggeradsenseo

الأحد، 19 يونيو 2016